有一个很有用的 API 名为 MakeSureDirectoryPathExists,该函数的作用是检查指定目录是否存在,如果不存在则创建之。可惜这个函数并不存在于 Kernel32.dll 中,需要链接 dbghelp.lib。特将该函数的实现贴出,以供使用和学习。特别声明:此代码的基础来自于网络,老汉仅做了少许修改使之可用。
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LPTSTR _tCharAlloc(UINT uSize) { return (LPTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * uSize); } VOID _tCharFree(LPVOID p) { free(p); } #define IMAGEAPI WINAPI BOOL IMAGEAPI MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(LPCTSTR pszDirPath) { LPTSTR p, pszDirCopy; DWORD dwAttributes; // Make a copy of the string for editing. __try { pszDirCopy = (LPTSTR)_tCharAlloc(lstrlen(pszDirPath) + 1); if(pszDirCopy == NULL) return FALSE; lstrcpy(pszDirCopy, pszDirPath); p = pszDirCopy; // If the second character in the path is "\", then this is a UNC // path, and we should skip forward until we reach the 2nd \ in the path. if((*p == TEXT('\\')) && (*(p+1) == TEXT('\\'))) { p++; // Skip over the first \ in the name. p++; // Skip over the second \ in the name. // Skip until we hit the first "\" (\\Server\). while(*p && *p != TEXT('\\')) { p = CharNext(p); } // Advance over it. if(*p) { p++; } // Skip until we hit the second "\" (\\Server\Share\). while(*p && *p != TEXT('\\')) { p = CharNext(p); } // Advance over it also. if(*p) { p++; } } else if(*(p+1) == TEXT(':')) // Not a UNC. See if it's <drive>: { p++; p++; // If it exists, skip over the root specifier if(*p && (*p == TEXT('\\'))) { p++; } } while(*p) { if(*p == TEXT('\\')) { *p = TEXT('\0'); dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pszDirCopy); // Nothing exists with this name. Try to make the directory name and error if unable to. if(dwAttributes == 0xffffffff) { if(!CreateDirectory(pszDirCopy, NULL)) { if(GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { _tCharFree(pszDirCopy); return FALSE; } } } else { if((dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // Something exists with this name, but it's not a directory... Error _tCharFree(pszDirCopy); return FALSE; } } *p = TEXT('\\'); } p = CharNext(p); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // SetLastError(GetExceptionCode()); _tCharFree(pszDirCopy); return FALSE; } _tCharFree(pszDirCopy); return TRUE; } |